
Smt. Rama Sivaraman

Smt. Poornima Prasad


Hastamalakiyam (Smt. Rama Sivaraman)

Hastamalakiyam is a profound Vedantic text composed by the young disciple Hastamalaka, who effortlessly revealed his Self-knowledge to Acharya Adi Shankara. Through just 12 verses, this text presents the essence of Advaita Vedanta with remarkable clarity, describing the nature of the Self as ever-luminous, untouched by worldly limitations, and as evident as a fruit in one's palm. Its direct and experiential approach makes it a unique and powerful work in Advaita literature. In 3 sessions, Smt. Rama Sivaraman covered each verse of the text in detail, drawing both from her long vedanta sadhana and rich corporate experience to show the practical application of vedanta various facets of daily life.

Vedantic Insights from Itihasas & Puranas (Smt. Poornima Prasad)

The Itihasas and Puranas beautifully weave Vedantic wisdom into narratives, making profound truths accessible through engaging stories. Through dialogues, parables, and divine play (leela), these texts impart Vedantic concepts such as Brahman as the ultimate reality, the illusion of duality, and the journey from ignorance to self-realization, offering seekers both inspiration and deep contemplation. In 3 sessions, Smt. Poornima Prasad presented selections from Tattvasangraha Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavata Purana, which showcase vedanta in its full glory. 

Guest Lectures

Several scholars presented lectures during the retreat, covering various aspects related to vedanta. 
1. Karma Yoga in Gita - Prof. B Mahadevan
2. Veda-Poorva Bhaaga - Vid. Shankararama Sharma
3. Sanskrit for Vedanta - Dr. Sowmya Krishnapur
4. Sanskrit Learning Path for Vedanta - Dr. Venkatasubramanian P and Dr. Viswanathan P
5. Yoga for Vedanta - Dr. Jayaraman Mahadevan

What will you gain from this course? (Key Benefits / Learning Outcomes)

  • A good revision of the fundamental concepts of Vedanta.
  • Understanding of many allied areas which add value to vedantic study.

What are the materials/support you get?

  • Access to recordings of classes (both video and audio) which you may access anytime for repeated listening or catching up with missed portions.
  • Presentations used for the classes in PDF format.

What are the prerequisites to get the best out of this course? 

Note: This course is offered freely as a humble contribution to the timeless tradition of Samskrita and shastra adhyayana. If you have found value in this journey, we invite you to consider supporting our continued efforts to preserve and share the rich heritage of Samskrta, Samskrti, and Samskara. Your kind donation, big or small, will help us organise more such events, reach more seekers and sustain this seva for generations to come. 

Click here to support Samskrta-Samskrti-Samskara Seva efforts of Vyoma


  Hastamalakiyam - Parayanam

  • Video
  • Audio

  Hastamalakiyam - Session 1

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Slides

  Hastamalakiyam - Session 2

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Slides

  Hastamalakiyam - Session 3

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Slides

  Vedanta as seen in Tattvasangraha Ramayanam

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Slides

  Vedanta in Bhagavata Puranam

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Slides

  Mahabharata - Selected Stories & Learnings

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Slides

  Veda Poorvabhaaga

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Slides

  Karma Yoga in Gita - The why, how and what of it

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Slides

  Sanskrit & Vedanta

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Slides

  Sanskrit Learning Path for Vedanta

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Slides

  Yoga for Vedanta

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Slides