Vyoma Team
What will you gain from this course? (Key Benefits / Learning Outcomes)
- Pronounce the Sanskrit letters and words perfectly
- Listen to common Sanskrit words and sentences
- Build Sanskrit vocabulary of 1000+ words
- Read and write small sentences and paragraphs and understand their meaning
- Speak in simple Sanskrit
What are the materials/support you get?
- 100+ multimedia lessons on 10 topics
- 250+ practice activities
- Comprehensive coverage of 6 different skills
- 3 Full-length Auto-evaluated Assessments
- Doubt clarifications through Email.
What are the prerequisites to get the best out of this course? (Eligibility)
This course expects no previous exposure to Sanskrit / Devanagari script. Suitable for beginners of any age with an interest in learning Sanskrit.
01 - पाठाः - Lessons
Section 1 - पाठाः
वर्णमाला - The Alphabet
वर्णमाला - The Alphabet
गुणिताक्षराणि - Vowel signs
गुणिताक्षराणि - Vowel signs
संयुक्ताक्षराणि - Conjunct Consonant
संयुक्ताक्षराणि - Conjunct Consonant
पुंलिङ्गाः - Masculine words
पुंलिङ्गाः - Masculine words
स्त्रीलिङ्गाः - Feminine words
स्त्रीलिङ्गाः - Feminine words
नपुंसकलिङ्गाः - Neuter words
नपुंसकलिङ्गाः - Neuter words
क्रियापदानि - Actions
क्रियापदानि - Actions
विशेषणानि - Adjectives
विशेषणानि - Adjectives
संख्याः - Numbers
संख्याः - Numbers
वाक्यविस्तरः - Sentences
वाक्यविस्तरः - Sentences
02 - कौशलवर्धनम् - Skill Development
Section 2 - कौशलवर्धनम्
श्रवणकौशलम् - Listening Skill
श्रवणकौशलम् - Listening Skill
पठनकौशलम् - Reading Skill
पठनकौशलम् - Reading Skill
लेखनकौशलम् - Writing Skill
लेखनकौशलम् - Writing Skill
अवगमनकौशलम् - Comprehension Skill
अवगमनकौशलम् - Comprehension Skill
शब्दसम्पद्वर्धनम् - Vocabulary Building
शब्दसम्पद्वर्धनम् - Vocabulary Building
रचनाकौशलम् - Composition Skill
रचनाकौशलम् - Composition Skill
03 - परीक्षणम् - Self-assessment
Section 3 - परीक्षणम्
परीक्षा-१ – Examination 1
परीक्षा-१ – Examination 1
परीक्षा-२ – Examination 2
परीक्षा-२ – Examination 2
परीक्षा-३ – Examination 3
परीक्षा-३ – Examination 3
- This section has no content published in it.
स्मारिकाः – Aids for memory
1. संस्कृतवर्णमाला – The Sanskrit Alphabet
2. स्वरचिह्नानि – Vowel signs
3. गुणिताक्षरसरणिः – Gunitaakshara series
4. संयुक्ताक्षरप्रभेदाः – Types of Samyuktaaksharas
5. नामपदानि – Nouns
6. लट्-लकारः – Present tense
7. धातुरूपाणि – Verb forms
8. विशेषणानि – Adjectives
9. संख्याः – Numbers
10. अव्ययानि – Indeclinables
अभ्यासप्रश्नपत्राणि – Practice Papers
Practice Paper 1
Practice Paper 1 - Answers
Practice Paper 2
Practice Paper 2 - Answers
Practice Paper 3
Practice Paper 3 - Answers