1.1 समासे सामान्यनियमाः - General rules across समास
Vyoma Team
What will you gain from this course? (Key Benefits / Learning Outcomes)
- Understand the basics of General Samasa Rules.
- Transformation of Poorvapada rules and Uttarapada rules
- Understand the rules pertaining to gender, number, etc.
- Sharpen your understanding of Samasa through exact rules.
What are the materials/support you get?
- Audio explanations that provide clarity
- Images and charts for easy remembrance and quick referencing
- Exercises for practical improvement
- Games for fun learning and lateral thinking
- Final assessment for certification
What are the pre-requisites to get the best out of this course? (Eligibility)
- Completion of the free 'Samasa Prerequisites' course on our website
- Completion of the free 'Tatpurusha', Bahuvrihi', ,dvandva' & 'avyayibhava' courses on our website
- Inquisitiveness to enter into the amazing world of Sanskrit.
- Basic understanding of Sanskrit language will be helpful
- Knowledge of Devanagari Script
- Understanding English and ability to read fluently
1.1 समासे सामान्यनियमाः - General rules across समास
1.2 पूर्वपदनियमाः - Transformation of पूर्वपद
1.2.1 अलुक्समासः
1.2.2 सर्वेषु समासेषु प्रवर्तमानाः नियमाः - General rules applying to all समासs
1.2.3 विशेषकार्याणि - Rules for specific words in specific समासs
1.3 उत्तरपदनियमाः - Transformation of उत्तरपद
1.3.1 सर्वेषु समासेषु प्रवर्तमानाः नियमाः - General rules applying to all समासs
1.3.2 तत्पुरुषसमासे उत्तरपदकार्याणि - Transformation of उत्तरपद in तत्पुरुष
1.3.3 बहुव्रीहिसमासे उत्तरपदकार्याणि - Transformation of उत्तरपद in बहुव्रीहि
1.3.4 द्वन्द्वसमासे उत्तरपदकार्याणि - Transformation of उत्तरपद in द्वन्द्व
1.3.5 अव्ययीभावसमासे उत्तरपदकार्याणि - - Transformation of उत्तरपद in अव्ययीभाव
1.4 लिङ्गवचननियमाः - Rules pertaining to gender, number etc
1.4.1 समस्तपदस्य लिङ्गनिर्णये सामान्यनियमाः - General rules for determining gender
1.4.2 समस्तपदस्य लिङ्गनिर्णये विशेषनियमाः - Special rules for determining gender
1.4.3 समस्तपदस्य वचननिर्णयः - Determining number
1.4.4 समस्तपदस्य विभक्तिनिर्णयः - Determining the case
1.5 सङ्ग्रहः - Summary
1.5 विशेषनियमानां कार्यानुगुणं विभागः - Spreadsheet of consolidated special rules
2.1 समासपरम्परा - Series of समासs
2.1.1 राजपुरुषगृहम्
2.1.2 रामधनुर्मुक्तः
2.1.3 पयोनिधिनिकेतनः
2.1.4 सुरासुरसेवितपादयुगलः
2.2 समासचमत्कारः - Interesting aspects in determining समासs
2.2.1 नीलोत्पल
2.2.2 वीरपुरुष - पीतदुग्ध
2.2.3 दत्तधन
2.2.4 वृक्षपतित - घृतार्थ
2.2.5 अप्रमाद
2.3 समासविभागस्य भिन्नः क्रमः - A different way of classifying समासs
2.3 अवयवधर्मानुगुणं समासानां विभागः - Component based classification of समास
2.4 समास-सम्बद्ध-सूत्राणि - Sutra-s related to समास
2.4 अष्टाध्याय्यां समाससूत्राणि - Placement of समास rules in the Ashtadhyayi
3 प्रौढाभ्यासाः - Advanced Exercises
3.1 सङ्क्षेपरामायणम्
3.2 श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता
3.3 पञ्चतन्त्रम्
3.4 नीतिशतकम्
3.5.1 शुकनासोपदेशः
3.5.2 शुकनासोपदेशः
3.5.3 शुकनासोपदेशः
3.5.4 शुकनासोपदेशः
3.5.5 शुकनासोपदेशः
4 क्रीडाः - Games
1. पदबन्धः - Crossword
2. समासनामक्रीडा - Structure Game
3. समासपरम्पराक्रीडा - hierarchy Game1
4. समासपरम्पराक्रीडा - hierarchy Game2
5. शुद्धरूपचयनम् - Correct The Error
मिश्राभ्यासाः - Consolidated Exercises
Consolidated Exercises I
Consolidated Exercises II
Course End Assessment
Advanced Samasa - Course End Assessment